We HelpYour Child Reach TheirFull Potential.

Every child's journey is unique. At our center, we empower that journey with personalized therapy programs. Our dedicated therapists work closely with you to understand your child's individual needs and create a plan to help them unlock their full potential.
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of a child’s brain development happens before age 5!
Smiles Growing Together
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We have a team of experienced doctors who are also kind and approachable. Your child will be in good hands!
We’ve got everything to keep your child healthy! Our skilled doctors use top-notch equipment to make checkups a breeze.

Why does your child need a pediatrician ?

We know your child is your world! At our practice, we partner with families to ensure every little one thrives. Our experienced pediatricians provide preventive care, immunizations, and expert guidance, all in a welcoming and child-friendly environment.

   What We Offer: 

Regular Checkups &


Supportive & Child
-Friendly Care

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Newborns receive the latest advancements in neonatal care at our 18-bed NICU, equipped with ventilators for respiratory support.

NICU on Wheels

To ensure the safety of critically ill newborns during ground transport, our Neonatal Transport Team utilizes specialized Neonatal Critical Care Ambulances.


Equipped with advanced imaging technology, including X-ray machines with portable options for use in the NICU, PICU, and ultrasound services.

Round the clock

Your child's health is our priority: Providing round-the-clock pediatric care, a critical care ambulance for emergencies, and an in-house pharmacy for your convenience.

Times & Availability

Monday               10:00 - 18:00 hrs

Tuesday               10:00 - 18:00 hrs

Wednesday              10:00 - 18:00 hrs

Thursday               10:00 - 18:00 hrs

Friday              10:00 - 18:00 hrs

Saturday              10:00 - 18:00 hrs

Our Numbers

Appointments Each Day
0 +
Intensive Sessions Offered Per Year
0 +
Experienced and Dedicated Therapists

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Jasmine Thompson

Massa, rhoncus ut orci eget. Amet, neque aliquet sapien adipiscing lacinia malesuada purus dictum.

Jasmine Thompson

Massa, rhoncus ut orci eget. Amet, neque aliquet sapien adipiscing lacinia malesuada purus dictum.